Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
We are proud to announce that TCMS is officially the first International Baccaulaureate Middle Years Programme in the Commonwealth of Kentucky!! Click on the links below to find out more about this high quality approach to education or call and talk to the IB Coordinator, Mrs. Sirginnis.
Respect…..we believe that in order to grow and succeed one must show respect for themselves and others. This is a value that pertains to interactions between all stakeholders: students, teachers, parents and administrators. The value of respect includes treating others fairly, encouraging others to do their best, being courteous, respecting one’s own property and the property of others, following the rules of safety and contributing to a clean and healthy environment.
Integrity… we believe that in order to become a responsible citizen of the world, one must be truthful and honest. By fostering in each student a healthy self-awareness and a sense of personal value, students can realize the connection between their words and their deeds. By expecting honesty and personal responsibility from each student, we are encouraging the development of productive, caring and responsible citizens.
Responsibility…we believe that in order to benefit from educational opportunities, one must take responsibility for their own actions, be morally responsible and honest and develop their own strengths and interests.
Purposeful Effort...we believe achievement comes from hard work (or sustained effort.) One’s potential can be realized when we push the limits and step out of our comfort zone to try new things. We hold high expectations of every student and expect students to hold high expectations for themselves. Attitude is a choice and is directly related to achievement. We are a community that rewards achievement and hard work in all forms.